San Antonio Young Democrats

Thursday, September 07, 2006

New York Times Article

The article I read was published on 9-4-2006 and was titled “G.O.P. sets aside Work on Immigration”. Mainly the article highlighted several congressmen‘s remarks regarding this 109th congresses, in particular republicans, lack of getting things done. This proven even by Senator Arlen Specter’s (R-PA) comment, “If there’s not legislation with Republicans in charge, there’s going to be blame here, and justifiable blame, if we do not produce a bill.” The article explained that it would not be likely that something would get through with just 19 days that Congress is scheduled to meet before breaking for election.

This article like a sore thumb sticks out on demonstrating the structure of the congress. While there is debate between The Senate and The House Of Representatives; there is a much larger battle going on for power between Republicans and Democrats. The partisan politics are so presumably present that they have forced this Congress to do less than the famously labeled “Do Nothing Congress.”

That label was given by President Truman to the 80th Congress when they failed to produce much legislation; however the 109th Congress makes the 80th Congress look good. Though NY Times hasn’t written any articles on the subject of the “Do Nothing Congress” I felt it was an important fact that relates to the structure of Congress. If the Republicans don’t put aside their fear of losing seats and work with bipartisanship, then there won’t be much for Democrats to say other than “What have they done?”. There is more having not dones than have dones. Just to name some;
Have not:

  • passed a raise on the minimum wage [Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 7/28/06],
  • provided any oversight of the Bush Administration’s commitment to a failed strategy in Iraq [The Philadelphia Inquirer, 7/16/06],
  • done anything to help Americans facing sky-high gas prices [Energy Information Administration, Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update 7/24/06; Los Angeles Times, 7/11/06; EIA Spot Prices for Oil 7/18/05 and 7/18/06],
  • helped expand life saving stem cell research by overriding the President's first veto [CNN, 6/20/06],
  • fixed problems with the Medicare drug bill forcing an estimated 3.4 million seniors to have additional drug expenses [USA Today, 7/26/06].

NY Times Article

I ask, what has the Repulican led 109th Congress done? Besides take vacations when important legistlation is needed. Has our system of government failed? As it appears to have turned a deaf ear on the American People. When Governements fail to protect the rights of the people, people have a right to overthrow that governement. Has it gotten to the point where Americans are fat and happy and just don't care about what goes on? I pray that America wakes up and elects a new government majority that is more likely to represent the people of America. I pray we mend all the bridges that have been blown away by this war driven dictator.


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