San Antonio Young Democrats

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Why Don King should promote C-SPAN!!!

"We will submit legislation to the United States Senate which will...authorize the Congress to undertake judicial review of those signing statements with the view to having the president's acts declared unconstitutional," Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, said on the Senate floor. (This is from CNN, and they got it from the AP)

Apparently the GOP congress thinks it can wage war on two fronts. First it tries to tell the Judiciary branch what it can and cannot rule on. Now Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pennsylvania, wants to sue the President over the constitutionality of the controversial signing statements. The statements where the President picks parts of a bill he doesn't want to enforce, like he has that choice. For a party that goes on and on about "strict constitutionalist" and "activist judges" it seems like the GOP needs a refresher course on our happy little constitution.
Recently, I caught a piece of the committee hearing where Sen. Spector was taking on A.G. Gonzalez. They were going at it. OK, it was American C-span style and not like in the House of Commons during Prime Ministers questions or a foreign congress with fist flying but it was still entertainment. I find it entertaining watching the two diplomatically diss each other in the most gentleman-like fashion.

Don King could have a field day promoting these hearings on C-Span.

The battle of the century Congress VS the Judiciary VS the Executive!!! Imagine it...
In this corner the tag team duo,
the wacky, the crazy House of Representatives and the Senate
Their opponents, know for 5/4 decisions and lifetime appointments the Supreme Court Justices...
and also in this bout from Conneticut, he is the divider not a uniter, he served his country by working a senate campaign, W!!!
Then the house will begin throwing pretzels at the President...
OK, maybe it's more along the lines of a pro-wrestling battle royal than a De La Hoya fight but you get the idea.


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