San Antonio Young Democrats

Thursday, April 20, 2006

My Incoherent Rambling Rant

You know what – it does seem like the Bush Empire is really falling apart.

Yeah, I know this realization seems to be coming a bit late, but there it is.

He’s shaking up his staff. His Congress allies are all headed to jail. The Generals are calling for Rummy’s head. That broad-based nice democratic government just doesn’t seem to be happenin’ in Iraq. We haven’t forgotten about all the guys in Gitmo. Kyrgystan is raising the rent on that airstrip by 10,000%. Gas prices are going through the roof of the high-rise building.

And he's toying with the idea of invading Iran, which EVERYONE knows is a really REALLY BAD IDEA!.

To top it all off, he isn’t getting out of this president-job for another three years!

Luckily for him, he’s ‘still the decider’ ‘round here.

Yeah, whatever.

But the Republican Kool-Aid is still out there, and people are still drinking it. Limbaugh, Savage, Hannity, Scarborough, Coulter, O’Reilly, and all their minions are still bloviating the Kool-Aid all over the airwaves. I really wonder what the average republican thinks of this.

My guess is that in their hearts the average Joe six-pack republican knows something’s up.. The republican veneer has pealed off and the decay beneath is quite visible. The question is when does it become too stressful to keep believing the lies and going through the motions of hitting the (Rep) on the ballot?

The other question is, when are we going to come with a compelling alternative that seems coherent enough for your average person from Omaha, Peoria and Colorado Springs to decide to go blue on E-day?

The brilliance of Karl Rove in his Kool-Aid laboratory is that he was able to construct a compelling story to sell – a story that was simple enough for even the dumbest FoxNews blow-hard to repeat. We just don’t have that.

And it’s a good thing that we don’t. The world is just not put together in an easy paradigm. Trying to sell it as such works wonders for the political theater, but ultimately, it’s going to lead you into bad policy. Policy has to be built upon an actual understanding of the world, rather than a dramatic plot-line fit for Hollywood. I would rather have us remain the disjointed, internally fractured amalgam of mostly-decent people.

Anyway, it seems that the repugs are imploding, and we didn’t have to really do anything to make it happen. Hopefully the American people will sweep us into power in spite of ourselves.

That is the unintelligible viewpoint. I AM the Rant-o-crat.


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