Top Ten part 1
50hr work weeks make it difficult to blog but on my way to lunch I couldn't help but get upset at the current administration so here is my list of things I have been wanting to discuss: 1) It is a good idea to keep your views in check. You want to try to avoid the "group think" that has plagued the neo-conservatives in control of our government. It is quite refreshing to see the views on this side of the political aisle written about and supported by the scientific community. I read Science, Popular Science, Scientific American, and Popular Mechanics from time to time to learn about new technology and discoveries. Recently I have been surprised at the number of articles dealing with some of the more controversial issues of the day. Many times there are complaints about the politicalization of science. The opposition has there talking points on global warming, climate change and environmental policy, evolution vs intelligent design and other issues but what backs those views up? The articles you see here and in publications including but no limited to those listed above are from the scientific community. These aren't articles from the Nation, the Current, Mother Jones, or "Leftist Activist Monthly" . These aren't articles published by tree hugging, bleeding heart, secular liberal activist. These are scientists that often have to deal with the peer review and scrutiny of other scientist. When it comes to the battle between the misleading propaganda from the GOP and the data issued by the scientific community I'll take the science every time.
2) Global Warming : Climate change effects everything. I think people often forget how fragile ecosystems are. Sure a one or two degree average temperature rise may not bother the human body but it can have drastic effects on other organisms and the environment they live in. What do you think was the cause of all those bottlenose butterflies flying around here?
3) Religion in the public square and politics : At times religion mixing with politics seems unavoidable. The intermingling can help this nation when it brings us together or when it sheds light on social injustices. A prime example can be seen in the speeches of the reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. However, religion can be very dangerous when it is used to divide, exclude and persecute those who practice different faiths or don't follow strict misinterpretations of religious doctrine. Have we not learned the lessons from the Salem Witch trials, the crusades, and the inquisitions? Do you really want to gobble up scarce government resources enforcing and imposing religious doctrine? Then the question becomes whose doctrine? Some religions prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages in fact, the one major victory the "morality crusaders" won was prohibition, and it failed miserably. Our founding fathers had a reason for the separation. To wrap this entry up: a) Do not look to religion to answer questions that are for science. b) do not look to science to answer questions that are for religion c) If you don't want the government telling your church what to do, then don't ask your church to tell the government what to do.
4)Evolution: This hasn't been in the news lately but I came across this stuff.
5) The one year anniversary of Katrina. Once the President declared New Orleans and other areas a disaster area FEMA's responsibility. It failed. I have seen several documentary type shows on what happened a year ago. One of the shows I saw talked about the exaggerations about the violence and chaos in the New Orleans dome. The National Guard arrived with rifle drawn ready for battle. They were told to expect the worse, to expect armed street gangs and crazy thugs in the dome. Instead they simply found hungry tired people. One of the guardsmen they interviewed said people cheered when they arrived and that there was a sense of calm once they started feeding people. I think it is interesting that this administration predicted military forces in Iraq would be greeted as liberators and cheered and loved and military forces sent to New Orleans would be attacked. They were completely wrong on both counts.
This conservative republican administration couldn’t deal with a disaster they knew was coming. They knew when and where the storm would hit and they did nothing. They didn’t do anything to assist the evacuation of hospitals, nursing homes or those without a winter lodge and transportation to get out of the city. After the storm they were clueless as to getting emergency supplies to the citizens in the dome. They had to call in the military! After that they blame government bureaucracy. The very government bureaucracy they are in charge of.
So here is the question: If the conservative republicans are in control of all branches of government and can’t deal with an emergency situation, one that they are aware of, that has devastating effects on a city, how are we supposed to believe they can handle such situations that they don’t know about in advance? Situations like a terrorist attack.
2) Global Warming : Climate change effects everything. I think people often forget how fragile ecosystems are. Sure a one or two degree average temperature rise may not bother the human body but it can have drastic effects on other organisms and the environment they live in. What do you think was the cause of all those bottlenose butterflies flying around here?
3) Religion in the public square and politics : At times religion mixing with politics seems unavoidable. The intermingling can help this nation when it brings us together or when it sheds light on social injustices. A prime example can be seen in the speeches of the reverend Dr. Martin Luther King. However, religion can be very dangerous when it is used to divide, exclude and persecute those who practice different faiths or don't follow strict misinterpretations of religious doctrine. Have we not learned the lessons from the Salem Witch trials, the crusades, and the inquisitions? Do you really want to gobble up scarce government resources enforcing and imposing religious doctrine? Then the question becomes whose doctrine? Some religions prohibit the consumption of alcoholic beverages in fact, the one major victory the "morality crusaders" won was prohibition, and it failed miserably. Our founding fathers had a reason for the separation. To wrap this entry up: a) Do not look to religion to answer questions that are for science. b) do not look to science to answer questions that are for religion c) If you don't want the government telling your church what to do, then don't ask your church to tell the government what to do.
4)Evolution: This hasn't been in the news lately but I came across this stuff.
5) The one year anniversary of Katrina. Once the President declared New Orleans and other areas a disaster area FEMA's responsibility. It failed. I have seen several documentary type shows on what happened a year ago. One of the shows I saw talked about the exaggerations about the violence and chaos in the New Orleans dome. The National Guard arrived with rifle drawn ready for battle. They were told to expect the worse, to expect armed street gangs and crazy thugs in the dome. Instead they simply found hungry tired people. One of the guardsmen they interviewed said people cheered when they arrived and that there was a sense of calm once they started feeding people. I think it is interesting that this administration predicted military forces in Iraq would be greeted as liberators and cheered and loved and military forces sent to New Orleans would be attacked. They were completely wrong on both counts.
This conservative republican administration couldn’t deal with a disaster they knew was coming. They knew when and where the storm would hit and they did nothing. They didn’t do anything to assist the evacuation of hospitals, nursing homes or those without a winter lodge and transportation to get out of the city. After the storm they were clueless as to getting emergency supplies to the citizens in the dome. They had to call in the military! After that they blame government bureaucracy. The very government bureaucracy they are in charge of.
So here is the question: If the conservative republicans are in control of all branches of government and can’t deal with an emergency situation, one that they are aware of, that has devastating effects on a city, how are we supposed to believe they can handle such situations that they don’t know about in advance? Situations like a terrorist attack.
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